What are the requirements for the CEO Program?
All CEO students must meet the following requirements:
What are the intern responsibilities / time commitments?
Accepted students must attend a mandatory 1.5 hour intern orientation and expectations meeting. Students must attend all intern training sessions and career focused project sessions on either Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4:30pm – 6:00pm from January – June. After completing the required professional development courses, each intern will be considered for a summer internship at their mentor’s place of employment. Internships take place in the summer and generally run for 80-hours from June through August, on a flexible schedule to be determined by interns and their mentors.
Is there a dress code?
Interns are expected to wear appropriate clothing to all CEO Program classes and events. The DC Public Schools Central Office is a professional environment and should be treated as such. Interns are required to wear business casual clothing to their internships over the summer. If you are interested in learning about organizations that provide business casual clothing to youth in DC, free of cost, email the CEO Program Coordinator at Monique.vaughn@k12.dc.gov and we will help you explore some options.
What is the career focused project?
The career focused project is a project that demonstrates knowledge and skills necessary for success in an interns career field of interest. The focus of each project is determined by the intern and mentor during the first two career focused project sessions. CEO Program staff are available to assist with project ideas if necessary.
Could you please give me an example of a career focused project?
Of course. Below are five examples of excellent projects from previous years.
Where are the career focused project sessions held?
Career focused project sessions are held at DC Public Schools’ Central Office 1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002
Have more questions?
Contact the Transition Team at dcps.transition@k12.dc.gov